In this piece, I’ll try and give meaning to who a product manager is. Knowing that this is something that even the most skilled product managers struggle with. This is because they wear so many hats depending on the organization or product they are working on but there are some basics or let’s call them foundation responsibilities that cut across all industries.
1. The Product Manager — Your Visionary Guide:
Picture this — a Product Manager is like a master storyteller, weaving together threads of customer needs, business strategy, and cutting-edge technology. Our mission is to bring products to life that capture hearts, solve real-world problems, and make a lasting impact. You must have come across product managers being called “Mini-Ceo”. I wish it were true in all cases but sadly it’s not.
While this article may not fully exhaust what I want to talk about (actually none does) I will definitely try to capture as much as I can.
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1. Let’s Unpack Our Core Responsibilities:
a. Illuminating the Product Vision: Imagine the product vision as a compass, guiding us through uncharted territories. Our goal is to shape a vision so captivating and compelling that it becomes the North Star for the entire product development journey. We dive deep into market trends, immerse ourselves in customer insights, and collaborate with talented teams to craft a vision that wows the world. Note that this however cannot be done without full knowledge of what the product aims to achieve unless you are the founder. You may need to get as much information from your stakeholders (i.e. CEO, CTO, or whoever is in charge).
b. Setting Strategic Goals: Picture yourself at the helm of a ship, navigating turbulent waters. As Product Managers, we set strategic goals that align with the grand mission of our company. These goals are like lighthouses, keeping us on course and propelling us towards success. In reality, only a few product managers develop products from scratch and while this is not a reality for many, some of these goals may have already been set by the organization you are with. Your job then will be to refine this goals and make them achievable.
c. A Treasure Trove of Market Research: Ready to be an explorer? We embark on thrilling adventures of market research to uncover hidden gems — customer pain points, market gaps, and competitor moves. Armed with this knowledge, we chart our course toward a product that conquers the hearts of our audience.
d. The Mastermind Product Roadmap: Ever been on a road trip with no map? Neither have we! As Product Managers, we create a roadmap that serves as our trusty guide. It’s a roadmap to victory, highlighting the milestones, features, and enhancements that will dazzle our customers. A product is only as strong as its roadmap. The importance cannot be overemphasized.
e. The Harmony of Collaboration: Picture us as conductors of a symphony, bringing together diverse teams in perfect harmony. We collaborate with engineering wizards, creative geniuses, and marketing magicians, all working together to create a product masterpiece. A product manager is only as effective as the team he/she is working with (yeah, I said it!). Like event planners most times our job is to coordinate all activities (relevant/irrelevant) to deliver the expected result.
f. Prioritization Prowess: In the world of magic, time and resources are limited. So, we don our wizard hats and wield the power of data-driven decision-making. We prioritize features that wield the mightiest impact, delivering value to both our customers and our business.
g. The Agile Wizardry: Ready to perform agile feats? We embrace agility like seasoned wizards, casting iterative spells and summoning customer feedback to craft a product that evolves with the changing tides of the market.
In Conclusion:
One not-so-fun part of being a product manager is that the hat of both the success and failure of a product is worn by you. Seeing that many parts have to come together to make this happen, may seem like a buzz-kill but ‘do not be dismayed’ the mere fact that my actions can influence in either direction is why I love the role so much.
To whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48)
Now that we’ve unveiled the magical world of product management, it’s time to embark on an epic adventure of learning and discovery. Join me in the upcoming parts of this series as we dive deeper into each responsibility, sharing our tales of triumphs and enchanting lessons. Together, we’ll unlock the secrets of product management.
Yours in product
Omokhoa Gregory Uhakheme
P.S. This article was first published on my medium page on 28th of July, 2023. Click here to access article.